Friday, October 24, 2008

New Words

As it pertains to football: Qualify.

This was Jesse's new term on Wednesday. Again, I have no idea where all this is coming from, but he went into great detail about someone, by name, trying out and qualifying for Jesse's Giants.

As it pertains to Kindergartners and learning sounds: S***

I was combing out Delphia's hair this morning after her shower and I said something about shutting a drawer. She stood there for a few seconds and with a huge smile on her face said "S***". I ask, "What did you say?" So she repeated it. (Me) "That's a very naughty word and you need to not say it again." (Marlene, also in the bathroom) "What did she say?" (Me to self) "Do I repeat it?" (Delphia) "I said it with a 'T' sound at the end." (Me) "Shut?" (Her) "No ........." (Me)"Yes, that is the very naughty word, lets not say it again." (Delphia) "Okay!"

You have to love all they are learning by way of sounds and words. It's too bad people have polluted language. This is actually not our first, nor worst. The one that takes the cake involves a 6 or 7 year old boy combining the words fawn and buck after watching 'Open Season'. Worse yet is him, after learning it was a SUPER naughty word, using it in frustration AT MY PARENTS HOUSE, TWICE!!!

On the opposite side of the spectrum: Sunday School Songs

The church we started attending in September has Sunday School opening each Sunday morning. Everyone, adults and kids, gather in the auditorium to sing together, have the kids take the offering and pray. One of my adopted moms leads the time. I think she did it 25 years ago when I was in 1st grade. The visuals are the same. The pianist is the same. It's pure bliss! We also have "pick your favorite song" time EVERY Sunday night. The kids really pick up on the songs and it lifts my heart to hear them singing songs here at home, in the car, out side.... 'Awesome God' is a favorite here. We sing it often in the car. I sing along. I am the only one who knows all the words by heart. We're working on it!


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Crack me up :)

Isn't it fun and calming that some things do not change!

Have a great friday my friend!

12-arrows said...

Oh I just love hearing kids and adults singing songs in praise to God. Melts my heart and brings tears to my eyes!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

I try not to laugh (or freak out) when the boys (Jay in particular) try a new, and questionable, word. It's usually in such innocence - but still important they know not to use it again.
I think it's great that you are able to attend the church which has so many memories for you. :)