Monday, October 27, 2008

Link Crazy

Mom Mc went to help Dad Mc this morning. Jesse is visiting a friend and I have the house to myself. I am wanting to get some things organized and loaded in the trailer, so I did what I always do when I want to "kick butt" around here. I cranked the music on Don's computer ( it has the best speakers in the house) to a level that eliminates all thinking and facilitates "Gettn' R' Done".

One of the first songs up was 'The Rhythm' by Mercy Me. I was trying to embed a video, but couldn't get it to work. So just trust me when I say it really applies to my life and I have a bunch of friends who would be encouraged by the message.

While battling with You Tube I also came across THIS song, which I think is super funny, but also something I need reminded of daily.

THEN I noted 'Hold Fast', a song that has carried my heart in times of indescribable pain, fear, and sorrow. During that video this phrase caught my eye;

Cracks in concrete are proof that, no matter how

strong we are, we all break sometime.

Much love to all who accept me as I am. The below pic is from Angie's blog. I can't find the exact post, but there was a time she felt impressed by God to shatter the pitcher below. Upon completing the demolition God invited her to piece it back together WITH HIM. What a great reminded of all God does for us if we let Him!


Penny said...

What a great quote in your blog!

BTW, found you from Sarah -- Life in the Parsonage. =)

12-arrows said...

I loved the shattered pitcher post! amazing! Also I enjoy cranked up music too something about it sure helps to get a job done.