Friday, March 20, 2009

Under The Piles... Again

I really hate Murphy's law!!!! Things have been so chaotic and constant here for the past, oh year and a half. We get to where we can (kinda) keep up, and then another thing gets added.

Like say our former landlord calls and we have until next weekend to move our stuff in storage out of his 2 buildings. (We were supposed to have until this fall)

And say it's too muddy here to really haul anything back to the pole barn. Not that the pole barn really has any space in it right now because we tore down a deck to use the lumber on our deck, but it's not on yet.

And say your kids are gone for the weekend, thanks to grandma, and you had REALLY high hopes of getting the soffit and facia finished and starting on the siding... on the house.

But now we will be working on the pole barn, and storage stuff for a week, and the odds and ends Don needs to square away before the drywallers can finish upstairs will not get done.

Moving upstairs is so close I can taste it, and I'm working on picking out paint. The delay is hard to swallow.

I'm sad, really sad.


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

I'm sorry my friend! Wish I could make it better for you...

Sara@iSass said...

What a hassle. But
I will say this the pay off...that will be that much sweeter.
I will pray that ya'll find ways to get things done, and find time to enjoy the quiet that comes from no kiddos around ;)
Hang in there...

Penny said...

That stinks, but just day it WILL be all done, and you'll be so happy when that day comes... =)

12-arrows said...

set backs are hard to swollow, especially if you are an organized person and you have this plan in your head that life should follow. Its in times like these that I continually remind myself and my kids that God is in control, He has it all maped out and for some reason HE chose this to happen. Hang in there friend, maybe you can't see the reasons why now, and maybe you never will but know that each day you walk through the storm the calm will come.

Pegsy said...

So sorry to hear about all the set-backs. I would be so frustrated and sad too. Are things looking any better? I love your honesty and "realness," Sarah. I have been challenged and refreshed since I started reading your blog.

P.S. Can you tell I'm catching up today?! I've been a bad blogger lately, but I finally posted yesterday!