Thursday, October 30, 2008

Weird! / T-8 Days and Counting

I recently found out our phone # will not be changing when we move! I do like this # portability, but I have to admit I find it a little strange to have a Dike phone # when we live in New Hartford. I wonder how that will work in the phone book! (we also still have our MI cell phone #s)

I harbor a bit of scepticism. They may find out when they go to switch the service locations that they didn't know what they were talking about. I've dealt with Qwest quite a bit here lately, and basically you never know if you will get a competent or a newbie when you call and get transferred 50 times. I usually know I am in good hands when I first person I get is the one who handles my question and doesn't shuffle me to someone else.

We'll see! For now I'll just enjoy having one less thing to change!

Oh, and by the by we are T-8 days and counting to our official move. USTA!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


As I exited the bathroom I realized I had been hear "dishes" noises for a bit.

Now for the past 12 days this has been the norm. My MTL was here and 99.9% of the dishes were done by her, BUT she and FTL had just left (so sad).

I called out to Jesse, "Whatcha doing?" "Dishes!" was his reply.

Both Grandmothers do a GREAT job of including my kids in various tasks and chores, and I was quite thankful for this training and Jesse's initiative.


As I went to get my camera, which I have finally found, I heard an amazing explosion. This explosion is one I've hear a handful of times before.

It is an explosion made only by Corelle dishes when they are dropped for the last time. I say the last time because you can drop them an unusual # of times with out so much as a chip, but that last time is a dozy!

Between my butter fingers when pregnant (5X) and many small children, Corelle has held up like no other. Thanks to Grandma Paige who bought them as a wedding gift for us!

Baby Stellan

Please be in prayer this morning for Mc Mama and her family. Baby Stellan will be delivered today around 9:30AM. You can click her button on the sidebar to read more about her family and the medical troubles Stellan has overcome so far. Praise God his lungs tested strong yesterday!

Any guesses why I "feel" where this lady is coming from? Clue: her oldest is 3 and she is delivering her 4th.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I fixed my links on the post below. They work now!

Link Crazy

Mom Mc went to help Dad Mc this morning. Jesse is visiting a friend and I have the house to myself. I am wanting to get some things organized and loaded in the trailer, so I did what I always do when I want to "kick butt" around here. I cranked the music on Don's computer ( it has the best speakers in the house) to a level that eliminates all thinking and facilitates "Gettn' R' Done".

One of the first songs up was 'The Rhythm' by Mercy Me. I was trying to embed a video, but couldn't get it to work. So just trust me when I say it really applies to my life and I have a bunch of friends who would be encouraged by the message.

While battling with You Tube I also came across THIS song, which I think is super funny, but also something I need reminded of daily.

THEN I noted 'Hold Fast', a song that has carried my heart in times of indescribable pain, fear, and sorrow. During that video this phrase caught my eye;

Cracks in concrete are proof that, no matter how

strong we are, we all break sometime.

Much love to all who accept me as I am. The below pic is from Angie's blog. I can't find the exact post, but there was a time she felt impressed by God to shatter the pitcher below. Upon completing the demolition God invited her to piece it back together WITH HIM. What a great reminded of all God does for us if we let Him!

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Words

As it pertains to football: Qualify.

This was Jesse's new term on Wednesday. Again, I have no idea where all this is coming from, but he went into great detail about someone, by name, trying out and qualifying for Jesse's Giants.

As it pertains to Kindergartners and learning sounds: S***

I was combing out Delphia's hair this morning after her shower and I said something about shutting a drawer. She stood there for a few seconds and with a huge smile on her face said "S***". I ask, "What did you say?" So she repeated it. (Me) "That's a very naughty word and you need to not say it again." (Marlene, also in the bathroom) "What did she say?" (Me to self) "Do I repeat it?" (Delphia) "I said it with a 'T' sound at the end." (Me) "Shut?" (Her) "No ........." (Me)"Yes, that is the very naughty word, lets not say it again." (Delphia) "Okay!"

You have to love all they are learning by way of sounds and words. It's too bad people have polluted language. This is actually not our first, nor worst. The one that takes the cake involves a 6 or 7 year old boy combining the words fawn and buck after watching 'Open Season'. Worse yet is him, after learning it was a SUPER naughty word, using it in frustration AT MY PARENTS HOUSE, TWICE!!!

On the opposite side of the spectrum: Sunday School Songs

The church we started attending in September has Sunday School opening each Sunday morning. Everyone, adults and kids, gather in the auditorium to sing together, have the kids take the offering and pray. One of my adopted moms leads the time. I think she did it 25 years ago when I was in 1st grade. The visuals are the same. The pianist is the same. It's pure bliss! We also have "pick your favorite song" time EVERY Sunday night. The kids really pick up on the songs and it lifts my heart to hear them singing songs here at home, in the car, out side.... 'Awesome God' is a favorite here. We sing it often in the car. I sing along. I am the only one who knows all the words by heart. We're working on it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This Is Going A Little Too Far...

Okay, so you've all heard of "Fantasy Football", but I am sure you have never seen it like you do here at our house. Of course you would have to be here between 8am and 3pm to even catch a glimpse.

I have NO idea how it even got started, but once all the kids, except Jesse, headed to school it slowly crept in.

Back in the day, you know like in August, Jesse would come inside from playing alone and tell me all about his "football game" against Casper. (The ghost in Grandpa Paige's attic) In the beginning it was all about who won and sharing players if Jesse or Casper's team were short a player.

This flight of fancy has morphed into an all consuming fixation for my dear 4 year old. All clothes now have to fit into the grid of "football clothes". All new shirts have to "look like football" or even better have a football or football player on them.

I recently found the Dallas Cowboys football costume my grandma gave Jesse years ago. Back then he only wore the helmet b/c the clothes were HUGE on him. They are still a little over sized, but most of Jesse's pants are. (Long legs, no waist and I can't stand pants being too short!)

Jesse's fix for loose pants is to stuff every layer into the waistband and pulling said waistband up to his ribcage. ARGHHHHHH!! Another thing I don't care for is tucked in shirts, shirts tucked into too high waistbands are even worse!! We have reached an uneasy truce. Jesse wears his shirts out in public, but the instant we are headed home IN THE CAR he tucks his layers back in. I even pointed out to him that real football players do not tuck in their jerseys, but he informed me, "My team does".

I digress, back to football madness. Jesse had a fit the other day because he didn't want to wear a coat over his jersey.
(Jesse) "Real football players don't wear coats."
(Mom) "Real football players don't play in cowboy boots, and they wear
their coats under their jerseys."
(Jesse) "I've got a killer arm, my team is working on their killer arms,
the Hawkeyes, (the other team, his is the Giants) don't have killer arms."
(Mom, to self) "Where in the world did he come up with 'Killer Arm'?"
(Mom to Jesse) "Oh, really?!!"
(Jesse)"Micah, (the imaginary football player) not my brother,
is in the hospital. He hurt his leg when I tackled him.
He has to stay for 4 weeks. I talked to him today."
And on and on it goes. At recent family gatherings my brothers have been playing football with the kids. Jesse is on neither Marc or Stephen's teams. Jesse lines up facing Marc in perfect football form, and GROWLES AT HIM! (For those who do not know, Marc is a police officer. Marc is 6'2" and weighs over 200#. Jesse on the other hand is more like 42" and 42#) Ludicrous!!!
Oh, AND when they started to line up the second time Jesse informed Stephen, "Your not doing it right! You have to call the plays." So, Stephen called a 2o, Jesse said," No, a 42." (They had no play book, let a lone plays in it!)
All this goes to show the prevailing power of nature over nurture. One would suppose from all Jesse's enthusiasm and expertise we are avid connoisseurs of football. But NO, we do not watch ANY football. We can't. We don't have a TV!!! We watch movies on a computer screen.
Don doesn't follow ANY sports. I am baffled! And of all our kids, the most breakable one is the one to "heart" football. Usta!! I am just hoping if I let it run it's course now he'll grow out of it. If I have to, in years to come, I will pull out the "big guns" and note that his OI specialist, and his great grandpa strongly discourage it.
I'll post pictures later, but right now I can't locate my camera.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Help Has Arrived!

Our first wave of up help came last Friday when my mother took our 5 kids in exchange for 1 of her own, my brother Micah. Micah is 17 and LOADS of help! He spent Friday night and 13 hours on Saturday working with Don. Don's boss was out again working on the electrical. It's soooo nice to have someone heading up that project!

I was able to get some organizing of thoughts and house done in the absence of kids. I walked with my good buddy Shannon, and did a supply run for Don. After fixing lunch on Saturday I ended up working with the boys until 10:30PM. Micah and I built a retaining wall, which was nice to see done. Sadly in filling it, it got covered with dirt and doesn't look as pretty as it did. All in time.... Sunday night Don and I were ALONE!! It was bliss to have quiet and fall into bed with out having to get 5 kids thru the night time routine first.

We now officially have a toilet at the house. There is no water hooked up indoors, but thanks to having our well hooked up, we have a bucket we can use to fill the back of the toilet to flush it. This is HUGE!!!! Not having a bathroom on site was hard enough, and with the local gas station closing down after the flood, it's been even harder to "function".

We also got the pump hooked up on the well so we have running water!!!! (out of a hose) I had to laugh when I saw Don so delighted to have running water, he was washing..... a tree stump!

This week found me EXTREMELY overwhelmed. I am trying to fill 3 roles.
#1~Normal mom/wife stuff
#2~Packing expert
#3~Construction worker
I was drowning. The discouragement of constantly having things to do, and doing them, but yet never seeing any progress had taken a strangle hold on my heart. I was lonely. I cried, a lot. The more I cried, the less I got done and the worse I felt.
Looking upward was what I knew I needed to do, but felt like another thing on my "To Do" list, but I did it anyway.
Many thanks to all who pray for me. Special thanks to a precious "almost sister" Trisha. She followed God's prompting and gave a day to me. Her help was great, but just having her here was even better. Her presence was a soothing balm to my frantic heart.
Attending Bible study was another "hurdle" in my week. I so wanted to just call it a night and crash, but I picked up our sitter early, took a walk, and went. This group of ladies is a lifeline for me. Another evidence of God's care in my life.
Finally, Don's parents (from MI) were talking of coming out Tuesday. Tuesday rolled around and there was some uncertainty as to whether they would be able to come out or not. ( one of the times I cried, and cried, and cried, and cried, and ....... you get the idea
But JOY they made it out at 2 AM this morning. There are now 3 people for the 3 jobs, and Don's burden has been eased as well. My dishes got done, my kitchen cleaned, my floors swept, muffins made, laundry folded, and my youngest entertained WITH OUT T.V., and all this while I was having Devotions and organizing our building finances! And that was just this morning!!
Oh, and I even have a few minutes to blog!!
(why won't blogger give me paragraph breaks in the 2nd half?!!!)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Strength and Encouragement

I spent all morning yesterday on the couch with a wicked headache. It is hard to rest when there is so much to do, but it was needed. As I tried to ralley and prep for supper and spending the evening working on the house, God brought me to His word and strengthened me with:
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 MSG
So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.
I also dug out my Selah: Hiding Place CD. Every song on it is a blessing, and I find it lifts my gaze to God when I don't feel I have the strength to look up on my own.
An added bonus was a friends post on "This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" It seems like an "old hat" concept, but it is truly foundational and crucial to remember EVERY day!

Of Boys and Water

As I break from sweeping all the dirt we track to the rental from "The Property", Jesse is in the shower. He has been for 20" and he will be until the hot water runs out! It is fantastic! He is confined, happy and most importantly not making a mess! What a deal!

A couple of days ago our little friend Jakob came over, and I mindlessly requested the boys water my fast fading mums. What was I thinking, or more appropriately, Was I thinking?!!! To top things off his own mother had just posted this 2 days earlier!

It never dawned on me that I had directed the attention of a 3 and 4 year old boy to awater delivery system, they had (amazingly) ignored up until this point, until a few minutes later when I realized things were too peaceful.

This is what I found....

Jesse was skillfully manning the hose. Skillfully in that Jakob was SOAKED and Jesse was high and dry. I was literally WRINGING water out of Jake's shoes! Poor guy! Sorry Sarah!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Dear 12 arrows friend,
I know you tagged me over a week ago. I am so sorry I haven't done my part yet. I was so excited to be "tagged" for the first time!
I know I'm not doing exactly right, no rules or new tags, but this is all it can find time for. My house(S) are screaming at me!
Much love,

I am a freak about customer service. I am willing to pay a bit more to ensure I am well cared for. My dad was a salesperson for a time and I waitressed, and loved it! Treat me well and I will be generous. Brush me off, or worse, insult me and me and my $ are gone! It's pretty sad when the sales lady in the kids department knows me by name, but what can I say, she's good at what she does!
I sat in on a class on arranging flowers YEARS ago, and they said to arrange using odd numbers of the most prominent flowers for the most pleasing look. I was relieved to know exactly why some things look nice to me and some looked off. Of course my dear engineer doesn't quite get this, especially when say, I put 2 pendants over the kitchen island rather than 3 like over the dining room table because 2+3=5 and 3+3=6.
I REALLY like people! My husband feels more comfortable in the confines of machines, but has really opened himself up to caring for others despite the risks.
Before we got married Don appreciated that I tended to be less emotional than most girls around me...... In his own words "I thought Sarah was a rock, then we got married I found out she was the rock that Moses struck, and water gushed out!"
(what can I say, I got pregnant 18 days later plus I never trusted anyone enough to be that open with them. He had committed his life to me, I figured I could trust him)
I am really tempted DAILY to just watch movies all day to help me forget all the work I have to get done by the end of this month. Yes I know, like that would help.
Most often if I find someone I don't get along with it is due to them being too much like me.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Family Work Day

On this "Day of Rest" we as a family got some things done that will help me rest A LOT easier tonight. All this between services with our dear church family of course!

Don's former tool trailer is now parked in front of the house for me to load as I get things packed. Don washed it and the Camry and mini van. The girls helped by loading the assortment of "stuff" that has accumulated in the van. We spend a lot of time driving back and forth, but there isn't much time to drag the stuff we need for each trip back into the house. This has worked pretty well for me, with the exception of the time Don left with the van and my purse was in it. I was planning to put fuel in the Suburban while he was gone, but.....

Here is Jesse getting coached on using the power washer. He LOVED it, but was quick to tell me he can only do it with dad's help.

Though Jesse and Don are the only ones featured in pictures, we were all working together. Funny thing how the kids tend to slink off and play VERY nicely together when I am obviously delegating jobs.

The below picture is evidence of the rest of us at work. I have been meaning for some time now to sort thru the seasonal clothes, but with the whole upstairs covered in clothing and my not getting much time upstairs, I just never got to it.

Today I told each child to bring down their dresser drawers and the boys brought down the dresser frames. The dressers are now loaded in the trailer, I have sorted thru the seasonals and each child has a Rubbermaid tub to house their clothes for the next month. They never put them away anyway! Oh, I am keeping them down here too so I can verify that the clothes are put away.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday, Princess 2

Birthday Breakfast
(no worries, she got her birthday donut on the way to school)
Birthday Dress
Birthday gifts from Grandparents Mc (including the dress)

Today is Delphia's 6th birthday! I was able to spend the morning with her in Kindergarten. It was fun and I may even be able to remember the 24 students by name next time I go!

I am off to cram into the next hour as much cleaning as I can. I need to get changed too, I put on a tee shirt and pajama pants for my cleaning.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'd be a better blogger if..

~I didn't take Jesse to story time
~I didn't take extra time at the library to hold a baby
~I didn't "let" my grandma take me out for lunch
~I wasn't making soup and cupcakes for almost 30 people
~I wasn't making treats for 40+ kids for kids club tonight
~I wasn't packing one house and....
~I wasn't helping build another
~I wasn't CONSTANTLY processing laundry
~I wasn't shopping for light fixtures
~I didn't make a couple of calls to chat this AM. (something I am VERY backlogged on! Sorry Adah! you are on the list, but my phone is dead!)

And finally..

~I'd be a better blogger if I weren't so busy reading up on everyone else!!

So, sorry dear bloggers if you feel uncared for. I tend to be a much better "real life" friend, I think... (smiles)