Monday, April 13, 2009

Before and After

Before 17"

After 32"

God provides so many things!
Just yesterday my brother mentioned how funny it was to see our miniature (17") monitor set up with our DVD/ VCR/ Wii. Granted it was a small screen and it was interesting to try to play any 2 player games on it, BUT it was ours it worked and though we would like something larger, we were content.
Also yesterday, the same brother mentioned that my grandpa had a couple of TVs he was getting rid of. My grandpa "moves" a lot of stuff. He has many friends and he is very helpful about finding homes of the unwanted items of others. We have a beautiful and helpful set of encyclopedias thanks to his connections too!
Anyway, this AM I had coffee with my grandma and when grandpa came in I ask about the TVs he was getting rid of. He had one, 24" or so, but it was as deep as it was wide, and we don't really have room for that. He mentioned he had a flat screen out in the garage, but that it didn't work. He said we could have it if Don wanted to check it out.
Knowing electrons fear my husband, I brought it home.
Long story short, this TV has a "power lock" feature. Don simply downloaded the owners manual, read some pertinent info and TADA!!! it works!!!
God also provided a bunch of fuel for our wood stove last Monday. I noticed a tree being cut down in town about 10 days ago. Last Monday as I was taking the kids to school I noticed all the wood from said tree lying in the yard. I stopped, knocked on the door, and ask if the wood was spoken for. The man of the house said we could have it!
Don and a couple of my brothers pick it up, and Don also went back this weekend to rake up the brush and repair a couple of ruts he had left in the yard.
The owner went from:
"You can have that lumber."
"I have 2 more trees I am going to be cutting down and you can have those also."
"I will tell all my friends about you and let you know if anyone else is cutting down trees."
Praise the LORD!!!
I think I need to start doing a Magnificent Mondays post. You know, let people join in and share things God is doing that only He can work out! (Anybody know how to make a button?)
God has been doing so much in my heart thru His word and especially thru our study on the fruit of the Spirit. I am incredibly thankful for His work and the peace of being in His will and seeing Him at work on a spiritual level. His working in the non-essential areas is just another layer of comfort. It's feels so safe to know He knows our hearts and desires and can provide in such amazing ways!


12-arrows said...

wow thats just so awesome, about everything and I LOVE your magnificent Mondays post! I think that most of the time we fail to share the blessings God gives us, sometimes out of fear of what others will say and sometimes that it may sound like boasting, but we need to know, as Christians, that God is blessing the lives and families of others. So you go girl and make that side button and do those MMposts! I'm with ya!

Brooke said...

very cool! :)

the hubs and i are dreaming of a flat screen, but we're a long way from being okay with plunking down $500 for a new TV.

your situation goes to show that God not only takes care of our needs (like heat) but also our wants (a bigger tv)

Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!

Penny said...

Wow!! I am so happy for you and your fam! Yay!!!!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...