Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is It Murphy, or Is It God?

  • I need to pack for our move.
  • I need to pack for our Weekend to Remember
  • One sister in law has a birthday tomorrow
  • The other is fully pregant and has a baby wanting a birthday ASAP.
  • I am falling prey to a sinus infection and can't even get up to heat my own rice pack....


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Oh man...hope you feel better! Let me know if there's something I can do to help.

Did you flush your nose yet? ;)

12-arrows said...

I sure wish I was closer to help you out! I am all about the packing! you know totally organized! LOL anyways, take time to enjoy your weekend, God knows you need it and right at this time. Special time with your special man! I will be praying that you feel better too!

Unknown said...

hope you fell better soon.........

Joyfulsheep said...

Get well soon! Missed you all last weekend. I pray your move goes well.