Sunday, April 20, 2008


I hesitate to write this for fear of being proved wrong, but I believe Spring has finally come to the mid west!!!
We were visiting family the first weekend of April and enjoyed their balmy weather and sunshine. 500 miles later we were in snow. It has snowed at least twice since our arrival home and when it's not snowing, it's been raining.
HOWEVER! Today is GORGEOUS!!! Our three oldest children went with my grandpa to his "farm" this afternoon. They are to return by 7:15 am tomorrow for school. I am sure they will need showers as they most likely will return smelling like a campfire.
Don has a very sore throat, and plans to check in with our DR. tomorrow. He stayed home from church to keep from spreading his germs, how stingy of him! We have spent most the afternoon outside soaking up the sunshine and puttering around.
I just did 15" of TaeBo abs. Something is better than nothing. I have been getting a little walking done on the treadmill as well. (to all the mother hens, I do realize I will be MUCH edgier if I further injure myself and end up restricted for a longer period of time. As such I am very careful to "work out" within my limits. I even quit before my foot was tired!) That said, I feel HEAPS better having exerted myself a tad!
So, between the sunshine, the yummy mashed potatoes Don made for lunch, I always ruin them and wont eat them, and the fact we celebrate the resurrection of my LORD each Sunday, there is much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Praise God for wonderful NEW days! :)
And YAY for the 15 minutes!! Every little bit counts :)