Friday, February 27, 2009

Friends With Appliances

It has not been a week since I posted!!!! I can't believe it's been that long, but yes, we've been busy. I do have a list of things to blog about in the back of my Bible Study book. That tends to be the time I get ideas, so I just write them down so they don't distract me any further.

Anyway, one HUGE thing on my mind here of late it all the things this "adventure" of living in the basement is teaching me to be thankful for. Things like:
  • Flooring
  • Walls
  • Stairs
  • Cupboards
  • Storage space
  • Countertop
  • Dishwasher
  • Garbage disposal
  • Clothes Dryer
  • Kitchen sink

All the above are things I do not have and REALLY miss. If it's any indication, I almost got weepy when I was washing a friends dishes, a couple of weeks ago, in a SINK!!!!

This week I got the privilege of baby sitting for a friend 2 mornings. Not only did I get to interact with a petite little 2 year old girl, but also Jesse had a buddy to keep him busy, said friend lit up my days with cheery flowers, I didn't have my own "To Do" piles screaming at me, AND I had a dishwasher, clothes dryer and a kitchen sink at my disposal!!!!!! It was heaven! And worth the multiple trips to the car to lug in tubs and baskets of dishes and wet clothes.


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

YOU have blessed me beyond words this week, my friend! Oh, and last week too...and the week get the point :)

You have an amazing gift of helping, with a joyful heart to boot! I know that you will be there, willingly and that is such a huge blessing. I want to be like you :)

Come and use those appliances anytime!

Love ya!


Penny said...

How awesome! Isn't it great to have a dishwasher and washer and dryer (I've been without those in college, and it's not fun!). Glad you got a little appliance pampering!

Brooke said...

i didn't have a dishwasher in my apartment, so i'm very thankful for the one i have now!

and i still don't have a garbage disposal (I'll put that down for when we build.)

Anonymous said...

I understand completely. When I was pregnant with baby #12 our dishwasher went out. Mind you its not THAT big of a deal. I was thankful that it died after school started in the fall and not during the summer so the dishes were minimal during the day. My sweet son, who was all of 20, at the time, just couldn't bare the thought of his pregnant mom washing dishes so he went out, a total surprise to me, and bought me a dishwasher. I was so touched and I really did work hard at not complaining, actually I didn't complain at all, it could have been my washer and that would have been worth complaining over! but we have a 5 year warranty on that set so. . . .I will pray for you each time I use my appliances, dear friend!