Friday, December 19, 2008

I Will NEVER...

......wear leggings! No matter how in style they are! My great grandmother may have said, "I'd rather be dead than out of style!" But I'd rather be dead than wear leggings!!!

And, I would definitely NEVER put them on my poor girls!!! (Unless of course they come in handy at school for under skirts, or I completely cave and loose all sound reasoning and decide they may actually be cute, for now)

P.S. they are super comfy....


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

You girls look ADORABLE!

They are super comfy aren't they! I have some on now... :)

Unknown said...

you look great where did u get the top i wear mine to bed i love them so much. i am looking for more tops to go with them.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

You look beautiful!
Is Marlene really just a head shorter than you? Wow.
I love your curtain. :)

Arlona Mc said...

I think that Jon is pointing to the space in his mouth where the tooth is missing. Am I right? Love, Mom

12-arrows said...

Oh how cute your kids are! and look at you. . . .I bought a pair of leggings tried them on and took them right back to the store! UGH! they looked terrible on me. I want some but can't seem to find the kind that are like a second skin.

Your house is looking pretty good too! and snow oh my gosh we have so much now! just gotta love it!

how is everything with the living quarters? all going fine? does it ever get chaotic? just curious.